WAV stands for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle. This means you can travel in the vehicle while seat in your wheelchair

Arrange an adaptations review

Use this form if you want to arrange an adaptations review. It’s just to help you decide which adaptations are right for you. And make sure you're comfortable using them before you arrange to have them fitted.

What you can expect

You’ll have this at a Driving Mobility(opens in a new window) centre. They’re a charity who accredit all of the UK.

Their trained staff are there to support you and help you keep or get back your independence.

If you're looking for an automatic or certain type of vehicle, you will not need a review. You'll see a list of vehicles to choose from when you search for a vehicle.

House name or number is required.

Postcode must be a valid UK postal code.

Address line 1 is required.

Address line 2 is required.

Address line 3 is required.

Town is required.

is required.

Postcode is required.

Are you currently a Motability Scheme customer?

The Driving Mobility centre cannot take you on public roads if you do not have a driving licence. Your review will be at the centre instead.