WAV stands for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle. This means you can travel in the vehicle while seat in your wheelchair

Short award lease extension

You no longer need to have 12 months left on your allowance to order your next scooter or powered wheelchair on the Scheme.

However, if your allowance is due to end in the next 12 months and you’d prefer to wait until you’ve had your new award confirmed, you can ask to extend your current lease. Please call us on 0300 456 4566 to talk about this.

You'll still be eligible for the End of Contract Payment.


Related FAQs

What happens if I do not get the higher rate mobility part of PIP?

You will not be able to stay on the Motability Scheme. Your lease will end and you must give your vehicle back.

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What happens if I'm appealing an unsuccessful PIP reassessment?

You can still keep your vehicle for a number of weeks after your last DLA payment.

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What happens if my allowance stops?

We'll help you return your vehicle and might offer you a transistion package.

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