New pricing updates
You’ll see updated prices for the new pricing quarter on Tuesday 1 April. This might be a little later in the day than usual, but we'll update this message as soon as we've made the changes.
WAV stands for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle. This means you can travel in the vehicle while seat in your wheelchair

Are all charging cables the same?

No, there are five different types:

  • Type 1: an early type of plug used by Nissan, Mitsubishi and Vauxhall
  • Type 2: fast becoming the most popular type of plug used by most European brands
  • CHAdeMO: a rapid charging plug used by Nissan and Mitsubishi
  • CSS (Combined Charging System): the standard type of rapid charging plug used by European brands
  • UK 3 pin plug: generally only used in an emergency, as it takes a long time to charge

The type of plug your specific car has might affect which public chargepoints you can use, but many new public chargepoints have multiple plug types.

All electric cars available on the Motability Scheme come with the cable to charge it.

Learn more about charging 
Learn more about range 

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