New pricing updates
You’ll see updated prices for the new pricing quarter on Tuesday 1 April. This might be a little later in the day than usual, but we'll update this message as soon as we've made the changes.
WAV stands for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle. This means you can travel in the vehicle while seat in your wheelchair

Why is my Motability Go Charge card not working?

Your Go Charge card might not start your charging session for a few different reasons:

Check the chargepoint operator is part of the network

Not every operator has agreed to have their chargepoints on the Go Charge network. If they’re not in the app, you cannot use your Go Charge card at those chargepoints.

Check you’ve tapped your card on the right reader

Lots of devices have two card readers. One for contactless payments, like credit or debit cards, and the other for membership cards like Go Charge. Tap this membership reader with your Go Charge card.

Your account might be temporarily suspended

If it is, you will not be able to use your Go Charge card until we’ve removed this suspension. You can check this in the app. Go to the menu, then ‘EV cards’.

If your account is suspended, please use ‘Start support chat’ to talk to us.

Learn more about Go Charge

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