New pricing updates
You’ll see updated prices for the new pricing quarter on Tuesday 1 April. This might be a little later in the day than usual, but we'll update this message as soon as we've made the changes.
WAV stands for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle. This means you can travel in the vehicle while seat in your wheelchair

What is a non-standard installation?

It’s a home chargepoint installation where more work is needed.

You’ll have to pay extra if you need one of these.

You might need a non-standard installation if:
  • Your parking space is not directly next to your home
  • Your charging unit needs to be mounted on something other than your home, like a post. Your home chargepoint can only be installed on a permanent structure
  • The cable route from your meter or unit is longer than 15 metres
  • The chargepoint provider needs to drill through more than one wall for the cable route
  • Your electrical equipment needs to be upgraded

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