WAV stands for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle. This means you can travel in the vehicle while seat in your wheelchair

What happens if my vehicle is not repairable after an accident?

We’ll support you with replacement travel if your vehicle has been ‘written off’.

We understand this can be difficult for you. We’ll do our best to give you as suitable a replacement as possible, or we’ll offer you other solutions for your essential travel needs.

If we give you a hire car, you’ll need to find, apply for and get your next Scheme vehicle within three months. This means you’ll need to collect or get it delivered before then. 

Please apply for your next Scheme vehicle within 14 days of our insurers letting you know your current Scheme vehicle has been ‘written off’. Make sure you know the delivery times first. You can try similar cars from other manufacturers if it’s a long wait.

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Related FAQs

My vehicle has been in an accident. What do I do?

Contact our insurance provider, Direct Line Motability (DLM), to register a claim. You can do this in your Motability Scheme online account.

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How much excess do I need to pay if I have an accident? 

You can see excess payments quotes in your terms and conditions.

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What happens if me or my passenger is injured in an accident? 

If it's not your fault, you're entitled to legal expenses cover.

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Will I qualify for loss of use payments? 

You might qualify if you’ve been without your vehicle and a replacement.

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Will I get a ‘no claims’ bonus at the end of my lease? 

You will not get a no claims bonus.

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