New pricing updates
You’ll see updated prices for the new pricing quarter on Tuesday 1 April. This might be a little later in the day than usual, but we'll update this message as soon as we've made the changes.
WAV stands for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle. This means you can travel in the vehicle while seat in your wheelchair

What can affect an electric car's range?

Many things can affect this, including:

  • The number of passengers and weight being carried
  • Speed
  • Driving style
  • Types of road and terrain
  • Use of features like heating and air conditioning
  • The weather. You should expect to achieve a lower range in colder weather

The range you see when you buy an electric car is arrived at in test conditions, like the miles per gallon (MPG) rating of petrol or diesel cars.

This means the actual range your car can drive might be different, as it’s based on real-world driving conditions.

Learn more about your electric car range 

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