Steering aids
These are things like a steering ball if you find it difficult to hold or turn the wheel. You can remove these for other drivers too.
You might also need a steering aid if you have other hand controls fitted.
Remote control devices
These are control panels with remote control devices, on your steering wheel. You can use them to work things like your indicators, wipers, and headlights.
This can also include a steering aid so you can steer and operate your vehicle with one hand.
Hand controls
These are useful if you find braking or accelerating difficult. You push or pull a level to control the speed of your vehicle.
There are many types of hand controls.
Electronic accelerators
These might help if you have limited mobility in your legs.
There are many different types of electronic accelerators and they all come with a hand-controlled brake.
High-tech controls
These combine an electronic accelerator with electronic braking. They let you control your vehicle with a joystick. You can use them in cars or Drive From Wheelchair WAVWheelchair Accessible Vehicles (DFWs).
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