Adaptations to help you store equipment
If you're new to driving adaptations you'll find lots of information about them on this page and when you talk to an adaptations installer.
Adaptations like boot or roof hoists can be fitted to help you store the equipment you need
Your adaptations installer will be able to tell you if the ones you need are compatible with the make and model you like
You can get some adaptations at no extra cost, if you get them when you start your lease
These help you store equipment. On your vehicle's roof, for example.
You can have one of these fitted if you need to take a manual wheelchair but also keep your boot space.
It’s a box that fits on the roof of your vehicle. An electric hoist lifts the wheelchair from the ground, then manoeuvres it into the rooftop box.
You can have one of these fitted if you need to take a wheelchair or scooter with you.
The type of hoist you need depends on your wheelchair or scooter. Boot hoists can take up a lot of space.
You can see adaptations prices, but we recommend you get advice from an adaptations installer before you decide.
You can watch more videos about adaptations in our YouTube series.(opens in a new window)