New pricing updates
You’ll see updated prices for the new pricing quarter on Tuesday 1 April. This might be a little later in the day than usual, but we'll update this message as soon as we've made the changes.
WAV stands for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle. This means you can travel in the vehicle while seat in your wheelchair
Cars outside a dealership, with a Motability Scheme sign

Find a dealer

Use our tool to find a Motability Scheme dealer, Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle) supplier or adaptations installer that suits you.

Contact your dealer, supplier or installer

Search using your postcode or GPS location, to find the nearest car, scooter or powered wheelchair dealer to you, or a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle supplier or adaptations installer that suits you.

Once you’ve found one, you’ll see their opening hours and how to find them.

If you’re searching for a car dealer, you’ll also see the names of the Motability Scheme specialists at that dealer.

Just contact them to make an appointment.

If you’re searching for a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle supplier or adaptations installer, do not worry about how far away they are. They’ll come to you.