WAV stands for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle. This means you can travel in the vehicle while seat in your wheelchair

Your all-inclusive lease package

You’ll get a full package so you can use your scooter or powered wheelchair all inclusive.

We'll arrange your insurance for you

Together with Direct Line Motability (DLM), we’ll arrange this for you.

Download the insurance booklet

If you’re involved in an accident, please report it to DLM as soon as possible and register a claim. You can do this online through the 'Insurance' section of your Motability Scheme online account, or by calling 0800 294 0790.

Sign in

Create an account

Illustration of a checklist with a tick

What's covered by your policy

  • Damage that stops your product working safely
  • Theft of your product 
  • Replacement keys if lost or stolen
  • Cover for using your product in Europe for up to 30 days in a 12-month period
  • Legal liability for any damage caused up to £2,000,000
  • Uninsured loss recovery and legal expenses (up to £25,000)
Illustration of a checklist with a cross

What's not covered

  • Personal belongings
  • Cosmetic damage that does not stop you using your product safely
  • Driving without insurance or permission
New vehicle

We’re proud of our customer services. You tell us often that they really make a difference to you. We’re always here to help.

Source: Ipsos interviewed 600 Motability Scheme customers by telephone between 29 September 2023 and 20 October 2023. 

We'll cover your service and routine repair costs

Regular servicing and maintenance is included as part of your all-inclusive package for your scooter or powered wheelchair. Any routine repairs are included in your agreement at no extra cost.

We'll give you breakdown cover

If your scooter or powered wheelchair breaks down while you are out and about, or you have an accident, you can be confident that the Motability Assist helpline and recovery staff are trained to handle your calls. They’re available all day, every day, all year round.

After your scooter or powered wheelchair has been recovered, your dealer will then help you make sure any repairs are taken care of.

Tyres and batteries

Tyre and battery replacements are included in your lease package for your scooter or powered wheelchair.


We’ll replace scooter or powered wheelchair tyre damage through normal use at no extra cost, subject to our fair usage policy. If you have air-filled tyres, this cover also includes punctured repairs.


If there are any problems with your product's battery, contact your dealer and ask them to check it. If they find it's faulty, we’ll make sure it’s replaced for you as part of our all-inclusive package.

A woman smiling and riding a mobility scooter

We'll arrange your tax for you, for road-legal products

If you choose a Class 3 product you can drive it on the road if you register it first. Your dealer will register it with the DVLA for you. You do not need to do anything.

You do not need to arrange or pay vehicle tax for a Class 3 mobility scooter or powered wheelchair.

Speak to a dealer

It’s important to talk to a dealer when you’re ready, to check if your choice suits you. They’ll arrange test drives and place your order.

Find a dealer