Powered wheelchairs
A powered wheelchair is a great option if you need to stay seated most of the day. We’ll help you choose a make and model that’s right for you.
These have a relatively basic range of seating adjustments and limited additional equipment or modification options.
They're fitted with standard seats and controls. Some models can be folded or taken apart, to fit in a car and be transported.
Talk to a dealer to find out about the different options, the cost, and what might be right for you.
These are more complex chairs, with additional features and advanced seating options available.
Your product can be adjusted, and custom-built powered wheelchairs are available too.
Talk to a dealer to find out about the different options, the cost, and what might be right for you.
Once you’ve thought about the powered wheelchair you might need, your dealer can talk you through everything. They’ll then bring some suitable products to your home for you to take a look at.
You’ll always receive a home assessment and the opportunity to try a range of products to find the one that suits you best.
Did you know powered wheelchairs can be adjusted to suit your needs? Your dealer can take you through the different adjustments that can make your powered wheelchair easier to use.
A scooter is a good choice if you can travel on your own. You’ll need to be happy getting on and off without help and using bike-style handlebars. We can help you choose which would fit in best with how you live.
We can help you decide with just a few questions about your needs and lifestyle.
Find the right product