New pricing updates
You’ll see updated prices for the new pricing quarter on Tuesday 1 April. This might be a little later in the day than usual, but we'll update this message as soon as we've made the changes.
WAV stands for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle. This means you can travel in the vehicle while seat in your wheelchair

Cars and Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles accidents and insurance

We've arranged insurance cover for your Motability Scheme car or Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle), together with Direct Line Motability (DLM).

Illustration of a car after an accident

Need to register a claim?

You can do this quickly and easily through your online account.

You can find details about your cover, manage your drivers, and register a claim in your Motability Scheme online account.

You’ll need to read your insurance cover booklet(opens in a new window) to learn about your full cover. 

Alternatively, you can call them on 0300 037 3737.

What to do if you've had an accident

Being in an accident can be worrying, but we're here to support you.

Try to remember these tips if you or one of your drivers has an accident:

  • Stay calm, make sure everyone is safe and do not admit fault
  • Call an ambulance by dialling 999 if anyone is injured. Call the police on 101 (the non-emergency number) if the other driver leaves without giving their details
  • Make a note of the other driver's details and any witnesses. Take pictures of the cars, drivers, passengers, damage and the accident scene from several angles
  • Report the incident to our insurance provider
  • If you're not able to drive the car, call the RAC for roadside assistance

Involving the police

If anyone is injured, or there's damage, you need to show your Certificate of Motor Insurance to the police and anyone involved in the accident.

If you cannot give your details to the other driver or drivers straight away, you'll need to report the accident to the police within 24 hours.

Claiming on your insurance

Contact Direct Line Motability (DLM) as soon as possible after any accident. Report the incident to them and register a claim for your car or Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle.

You can do this is in your Motability Scheme online account. Visit the DLM insurance portal and you'll be signed in automatically. Then go to ‘Claims’ to get started. 

Or you can call DLM directly on 0300 037 3737.

The portal is available all day, every day to log a claim online at a time that suits you.

Phonelines are open 8am to 7pm, Monday to Friday, and 8am to 4pm on Saturday. If it's outside of these hours, make sure you report the incident when the lines are next open.

It's important you fully co-operate during the claim. If you do not, your claim could be unsuccessful and you could be banned from leasing a Scheme vehicle again. 

Please see the DLM Cover Booklet(opens in a new window) for further information. 

If your claim is from 1 June 2024 or later, you can track its progress in your online account. Sign in to see the details of your repairer, your booking and any claims documents.

Roadside support and assistance

If you're not able to drive your car because of an accident, call RAC Motability Assist on 0800 73 111 73, or call 0333 202 1878 for roadside assistance. If you're in the Republic of Ireland, call 1800 535 005 instead.

They're available to help all day, every day, all year round. They'll pick up your vehicle and take it to a repairer, who will let you know whether it needs repairs or not.

The car will only be repaired to its original specification. Damage to non-standard equipment or modifications fitted without our insurance provider's agreement are not covered.

They'll keep you up to date with the progress of your repairs, and you might be able to get a replacement vehicle while you wait.

No-claims bonus

You will not build up any no-claims bonus while you’re on the Scheme, since the vehicle is owned by us.

If you had a no-claims history before you joined the Scheme, insurers might not accept this if you leave. If they do, it's usually for up to two or three years only.

Our insurance provider might be able to give you a claims history letter that shows claims made and the period you've had claims-free driving on the Scheme. Lots of insurance companies will accept this as proof of your claims history.

What's covered by your insurance

  • Loss of or damage to your vehicle
  • Accidental damage
  • Fire or theft damage
  • Repair or replacement glass
  • In-car equipment (like a radio) permanently fitted or given with the car
  • Adaptations and modifications that are needed, which we've agreed to and which our insurance provider has been told about
  • Any accessories or tools given with the vehicle
  • Replacement locks if the keys have been stolen and the theft reported to the police
  • Driving your vehicle for voluntary or charitable work, as long as you do not receive a fixed, regular payment for this
  • Travel to and from your normal workplace. Drivers who do not live with you might not be covered for these journeys. We'll discuss this with you at the start of your lease

Personal accident cover

If an accident happens which causes death, loss of limbs and/or permanent loss of sight in one or both eyes, you’re covered for up to £5,000 per person, for the driver and any passengers.

For more information please call our insurance provider on 0300 037 3737.

Driving abroad

You can take your car or Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle outside of the UK to the European Union (EU), and to Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein at no extra cost, for up to 90 days in total, over any 12-month period.

If you want to use your vehicle abroad for longer than 90 days, we might be able to give you permission. Contact us and we’ll talk to you about this, but you will not be able to take your car abroad for more than 12 months.

Learn more about travelling abroad

What's not covered by your insurance

Your excess: the amount you need to pay when you claim

The excess amount varies depending on your age and experience as a driver.

You can find this on your agreement which is available in your Motability Scheme online account, and your insurance policy document which you can find in your DLM insurance portal.

If your car needs to be repaired, you’ll need to pay the excess for each incident before the repair starts.

Lost keys

You can make an insurance claim for lost keys, but you will need to pay an excess if you do. This will also count as a claim on your insurance history. You may find it costs less to go directly to your dealer to pay for a replacement.

If your keys have been stolen or lost as part of an accident, you must report this to the police and DLM.

Personal belongings

You'll need to arrange your own contents insurance for personal items like wheelchairs, coats and mobile phones. You could extend your household contents insurance to cover these.

Non-standard equipment or modifications

Any optional extras or other equipment fitted which are not needed for you to use the vehicle will not be covered.

If you've fitted equipment without our agreement or our insurance provider's, it will not be covered.

Damage to the inside of the vehicle

Any damage to the inside, including rips, stains and burns to the trim are not covered. You might need to repair these at your own cost.

You do not need to pay for any routine repairs.

Driving other cars

You're not covered to drive any other vehicle unless we've given you the vehicle and approved it.

Unauthorised and uninsured drivers

Only the drivers shown on your Certificate of Motor Insurance are covered to drive the Scheme vehicle.

Other drivers are not allowed to drive your Scheme vehicle, even if they have fully comprehensive insurance which allows them to drive other cars.

You might be held responsible for any loss or damage when someone not named on your policy is driving, and you might not be able to lease through the Scheme again.

You can change your drivers at any time, as many times as you want.

Using your car for business

If you need to use the car for business reasons other than the journey to your usual workplace, you'll need to contact our insurance provider and ask for this.

Business-use cover will not begin until you receive a new, current Certificate of Motor Insurance showing this cover.

So you know, our insurance provider can only give you this for your current lease. You'll need to contact them and reapply for each new lease.

Other benefits

Loss of use benefit

If you're not able to drive your vehicle after loss or damage, we'll try to give you a temporary replacement vehicle.

If this is not suitable for your needs or it's not possible to give you a replacement vehicle, you might be able to claim for 'loss of use' benefits.

Learn more about temporary replacement vehicles

Uninsured loss recovery

If you're involved in an accident caused by someone else and they've been identified, our insurance provider will try to recover your 'uninsured losses' from them, like your excess, injuries and taxi fares.

Recovering these can take a long time and is not always possible, and you might need to show proof of your losses.

If you're injured, they'll appoint solicitors for you.

Related FAQs

My vehicle has been in an accident. What do I do?

Contact our insurance provider, Direct Line Motability (DLM), to register a claim. You can do this in your Motability Scheme online account.

Read more

How much excess do I need to pay if I have an accident? 

You can see excess payments quotes in your terms and conditions.

Read more

What happens if me or my passenger is injured in an accident? 

If it's not your fault, you're entitled to legal expenses cover.

Read more

Will I qualify for loss of use payments? 

You might qualify if you’ve been without your vehicle and a replacement.

Read more

Will I get a ‘no claims’ bonus at the end of my lease? 

You will not get a no claims bonus.

Read more

What happens if my vehicle is not repairable after an accident?

We’ll support you with replacement travel if your vehicle has been ‘written off’. You’ll need to find, apply for and get your next vehicle within three months.

Read more