This is not your Good Condition Payment. That’s money you get back at the end of your lease if you return your vehicle in good condition. Your New Vehicle Payment will not affect whether you’re eligible for a Good Condition Payment or how much you’ll receive.
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New Vehicle Payment
If you ordered your first vehicle by 3 January 2025, you're eligible for this one-off payment.
What is it?
It's called the New Vehicle Payment for cars and Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAVWheelchair Accessible Vehicles) and is £750.
We introduced this payment to help with the increasing price of new cars, due to global shortages.
You can choose to send this directly to your dealer to help towards your Advance Payment, or have this paid in full to you after you get your vehicle.
It’s called a New Product Payment for scooters and powered wheelchairs, and it’s £100 instead. You’ll get this after you get your new scooter or powered wheelchair.
You cannot get both the New Vehicle Payment and the New Product Payment.
Am I eligible for the New Vehicle Payment?
You’ll get this one-time payment if you ordered your first vehicle on or before 3 January 2025. If you ordered your first vehicle 4 January 2025 onwards, you will not get this payment.
If you're already on the Scheme and have not had your New Vehicle Payment yet, you'll get it whenever you get your next vehicle.
You'll only get this payment once, not every time you get a new vehicle.
Check if you’re eligible for the New Vehicle Payment
Answer a few questions, then we’ll let you know if you’re eligible for any payments. It only takes a few minutes.
Check nowWhen is it paid?
If you’re eligible you have two options for getting the New Vehicle Payment.
We can send this to your dealer
This is to help towards the cost of your Advance Payment.
If your Advance Payment is more than £750 you’ll need to pay the difference to your dealer, but if it’s less than £750 we’ll send you the difference after you get your vehicle.
Your dealer will ask if you’d like to do this when you’re placing your order. If you’ve already ordered and would now like to put your New Vehicle Payment towards your Advance Payment, please speak to your dealer directly.
You can only use the New Vehicle Payment towards the cost of your vehicle's Advance Payment. You cannot use it towards the cost of adaptations or optional extras.
We can send this to you
If you do not ask for your New Vehicle Payment to go your dealer, we’ll send this to you in full within a few weeks of getting your new vehicle.
We'll automatically send your New Vehicle Payment if you're eligible. There's no need to contact us.
Will I still get the payment if I extend my lease?
Yes, but you'll get it shortly after you get your next vehicle, not when you extend your lease.
You’ll only get this payment once, not every time you get a new vehicle.
Get payments quicker
Add your bank details to get payments from us:
- Go to ‘Personal details’ in your online account
- Choose ‘Payments by bank transfer' to add your details
Or please check your details are still correct. You can easily update them in your online account if they've changed.
We usually pay this within a few weeks of you getting your new vehicle.
If we do not have your bank details, we’ll send you a cheque instead, but this will take up to a month.