WAV stands for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle. This means you can travel in the vehicle while seat in your wheelchair

Questions during your lease

Find answers to any questions you have about electric cars or charging on the Motability Scheme during your lease.

Illustration of a dealership

If you have a problem with your home chargepoint

Please contact whoever installed your home chargepoint. You can find their name on your chargepoint. If you can’t find this, contact us and we’ll tell you, then you can get in touch with them.

If you have a problem with your electric car

Please contact your dealer. They’ll be able to help.

If you’ve broken down or run out of charge

Call the RAC on 0800 73 111 73 and they’ll charge your car at the roadside or recover you and your car to the nearest chargepoint.

If you have a problem with your charging cable

If your cable came with your chargepoint and it becomes damaged, lost or stolen, it’s your responsibility to get it fixed or replace it.

You might be able to add it to your home insurance to make sure it’s covered, and they might cover the cost.

If your cable came with your vehicle when you collected it from your dealer, we’ll cover it if it’s damaged or stolen.

Call Direct Line Motability (DLM) on 0300 037 3737 and they’ll get it fixed or replaced, you'll just need to pay the excess of £100.

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Who owns the chargepoint and do I need to give it back?

The chargepoint is your property once it's been fitted. We recommend you add it to your home insurance.

You do not need to give it back to us at the end of your lease or if you end your lease early.

If you want it removed, you’ll need to pay for the cost of this.

If the customer passes away, you can either keep the chargepoint or the next of kin will need to pay to have it removed.

If you’re moving home and you had a chargepoint installed

If we already installed a chargepoint for you at your old home, you’ll need to pay to have one installed at your new home.

Or you’ll need to pay to have your old chargepoint moved to your new home.

If you use the bp pulse network and you want a home chargepoint

If you already use the bp pulse network and you’re now able to have a home chargepoint installed for the first time, please contact us and we’ll talk to you about your options.

Your chargepoint warranty

Every chargepoint we give you has a three-year warranty. You’ll need to speak to the supplier directly about cover after those three years.

If your chargepoint has been damaged or vandalised

You’ll need to raise a claim with DLM and pay any excess. Then they’ll go through your claim with you.

Here’s what’s covered:

Damage and vandalism to your charging unit, installed at your home.

And to your electric charging cables if they’re:

  • On or inside your Scheme vehicle
  • Plugged into your Scheme vehicle
  • In your locked, private garage

You do not need to get a chargepoint installed through us, but we’ll need to check it and tell you it’s acceptable.

Any claims you make for your chargepoint will count towards your claim history.

Related FAQs

Can I get a home chargepoint on the Motability Scheme?

You’ll get a home chargepoint if you’re leasing your first fully electric car on the Scheme, you have off-street parking, and the permission to install one. If any extra work is needed, this is a non-standard installation and you’ll need to pay for these extra costs.

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Do I need to give my home chargepoint back at the end of my lease?

No – you can keep the home chargepoint after your lease finishes.

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I have a problem with my home chargepoint. What do I do?

Please contact whoever installed your home chargepoint.

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What's the difference between a tethered and untethered chargepoint?

A tethered chargepoint means the charging cable is permanently attached to the chargepoint. An untethered chargepoint means the cable can be removed.

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Can I have a home chargepoint fitted and get access to the bp pulse network?

No – you can only get a home chargepoint installed or have access to the bp pulse network, but not both.

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Can I get a solar-compatible home chargepoint?

Yes. We'll cover the cost of this, if we have not already installed a home chargepoint for you.

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What is a non-standard installation?

It’s a home chargepoint installation where more work is needed and you have to pay extra.

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